The Supply Register has uncompromising responsibility to our school partners when it comes to safeguarding and providing the highest quality candidates. Along with our robust recruitment and selection process, our APSCo Compliance+ accreditation gives our Headteachers the reassurance and peace of mind they need.

APSCo Compliance+ Accredited
APSCo is the regulatory body for recruitment businesses and as a member, The Supply Register is monitored and regulated by APSCo’s guidance. The Supply Register has been awarded the APSCo Compliance+ Education accreditation every year since 2016: a best practice quality standard for education recruitment companies recognised by the Department for Education. This accreditation highlights our commitment to go beyond statutory safeguarding standards and aim for excellence and integrity in competency selection and service quality.
Compliance+ consists of two sections:

Why choose a Compliance+ accredited recruitment company?
- Certifies safeguarding which goes beyond statutory requirements
- Help safeguard and improve outcomes for children and vulnerable adults
- An annual independent on-site audit process is undertaken by a professional body to confirm consistency with safeguarding
- Ensures competency and suitability of every candidate placed
- Value-based, safer recruitment training requirement for staffing professionals
- Recognised as a certificated standard by the Department for Education
Our Safer Recruitment Process and Pre-Employment Checks
As part of our safer recruitment practice and compliance with APSCO standards, The Supply Register carries out the following procedures and checks prior to placing a candidate within a school:
Registration Interview
All candidates undertake a face to face registration interview prior to them being placed on assignment with a client, unless in exceptional circumstances. All original documents provided by the candidate is checked for legitimacy during the registration interview.
The registration interview will assess the candidate’s experience to establish congruency with the candidate’s application form/CV. The interview will be evidenced by the completion of an interview document, signed and dated by the consultant conducting the interview and the candidate.
Overseas Police Checks
Where a candidate has worked/lived overseas during the last 5 years for a period of 6 months or more, we will obtain an overseas police check, which needs to be verified for originality.
Proof of Address
Health Declaration
We require all candidates to complete a health form to ascertain their physical capacity to work, as required by the Education (Health Standards) 2003 Regulations. Every candidate needs to make us aware of any changes in their health which may affect their teaching and performance. This assessment form is completed by each candidate on an annual basis.
Qualifications and Induction
Eligibility to Work in the UK
The Supply Register will have sight of original documentation of a candidate’s right to work in the UK.
All documents provided will be copied on all relevant pages, is validated, signed, and dated by the Interviewer.
Quality Performance Reviews
Throughout the time a candidate is working with us, we monitor their behaviour and competency to carry out their role to the expected standard. We carry out regular quality calls to obtain this information.
If the feedback is deemed a child protection concern, then The Supply Register has an Allegation/Misconduct Policy and Safeguarding Referral Policy in place to support our safer recruitment practices. We also have procedures in place to remove the candidate from our register.
Need Help?
Want to know more about our services? Maybe you just want to talk? In any case, we’re here for you, just call 0330 236 9244.
Employment History
We obtain a completed application form or CV from the candidate which covers the last 10 years’ employment history, or back to compulsory education, whichever, is more recent.
Any gaps of 12 weeks or more in the employment history will be explained in full by the candidate and verified by our Compliance Team.
Enhanced DBS Certificate
We require an enhanced DBS certificate and registration to the Update Service. Update Service Checks are carried out every six months.
The Supply Register obtains photographic evidence of the candidate’s identification.
All original documents provided as evidence of identification are copied (in full or all relevant pages), and the copy is validated, signed, and dated by the Interviewer.
Overseas Trained Teachers
They must hold a teaching qualification equivalent to British Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). This is checked via the National Academic Records Information Centre (NARIC).
ISA barred list check
This is carried out every six months against the DBS Update Service.
FE Teachers
Although it is not compulsory, we encourage all our FE teachers to register with the Institute for Learning (IFL) and obtain the QTLS certificate.
National College for Teaching and Learning (NCTL) check
This is to ascertain if there have been any referrals or restrictions against a candidate. The check is completed every six months.
Child Care Disqualification Declaration
Completed prior to the interview and repeated every six months.
Proof of National Insurance
We obtain a minimum of one document from the approved list. The document provided is validated, signed and dated by the Interviewer.